Protein Powder I Use

Protein Powder I Use...

Wait...What? Protein, Paula... have I stumbled upon the wrong Paula's blog post?

I get questions from clients, quite frequently, on what I think is the best protein powder to use.

Stepping back a few years... protein powders come in and out of fashion like clothing styles. I know this cyclic pattern, I have plaid shirts purchased when I was 20 years old and 28 years later (yes, I still have those plaid shirts), I am right back in the swing of fashion!

Enter protein powders from the late 70's and 80's. With a processing makeover (claiming to preserve the vital nutrients of raw milk and colostrum... maybe, but I have a hard time believing that you can remove the liquid whey from the whole milk and then process it into powdered form and still retain all the vital nutrients...really?) and a new label, perhaps some updated, high tech marketing hype and voila... a new fad ready to sell to the newest generation.

My favorite protein powder is this: zero, zip, nada, zilch, none of them! In my eyes, they are very processed, refined, manufactured products... not food. When food is in its whole state, it is a nourishing, cell building gift to your body. Processed products by any name: rice protein powder, soy protein powder, whey protein powder, hemp protein powder (get the idea here?), well... not so nourishing.

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