*S.G.F. = Soul Growth Fuckery

*Soul Growth Fuckery™, S.G.F., is a term that came to me (call it intuition, Spirit Guides, Connection to the Wisdom 🕉️ Ethers, whatever works for you) as I was walking in the Woods 🌲🌳🌲 one fine Spring 🌱 day with my faithful friend and dog 🐕, Lily, circa 2018, maybe 19. 🤷‍♀️

My woods 🌲🌳🌲 walks are a time when I get intuitive information / my shamanic 🪶journey time. Yoga 🧘‍♀️ posture and breathwork 🌬️ is another mind 🧠 calm space ☮️ when I drop into Universal Sacred🪶Heart♥️Space and my Heart♥️directly communicates with my pineal gland… Sacred🪶Sight👁️.

The term Soul🧚‍♀️Growth Fuckery, as soon as the words came up in my mind, two little Garter Snakes 🐍 were right in my path on the trail.

**One of the Snakes🐍 slipped under a rock 🪨 immediately and I named this Snake 🐍 the fearful male. The strong, empowered, female Snake 🐍 stayed present while I sang her a soul song thanking her for being there. The Snake 🐍 is a symbol of transformation as they shed their old skin and take on new skin.

The Snake 🐍 is a transformative symbol for us to shed old skins, that no longer serve us, and start weaving and wearing our new skin of growth and transformation.'

**This is not about gender, male vs. female. This is about the energies of Divine Masculine and Feminine ☯️ as they dance the cosmic dance. We have so suppressed the Feminine energy, at the expense of both the Divine Feminine and Masculine, that change is happening. This is a whole fun conversation about energy ⚡️, elements 🔥💧🌏💨🧚‍♀️, and life as we know it… or maybe not know it! I am very open to joyful, playful conversation around these topics!

The birthing of Soul Growth Fuckery, S.G.F.™ a gift from Wisdom🪶🕉️and the Snakes 🐍!

When you catch yourself spiraling in to the same old shit 💩:

  • anger 😡,

  • blaming 👉🏻,

  • frustration 🤯

  • sadness 😔

  • withdrawal 🫣

  • fawning 🦌

and we lash out, withdrawing in hurt and abandonment… whatever your usual pattern is nervous system activation into “fight or flight” and you then do shit 💩 that does not serve your highest good OR the highest good of those around you.

Pause and take deep breaths. Pull yourself into your Awareness Body.

Observe everything, right now, from a neutral space and laugh knowing you’re just doing the work of your soul 🧚‍♀️, what you came here to do so you could transform and grow as a soul 🧚‍♀️ being. All the crazy trauma shit 💩, getting triggered, and recognizing our patterns of being fight or flight “activated” (This is the development of our Awareness Body so we can then stop 🛑 being activated into reaction patterns)… it is all just Soul Growth Fuckery. That’s my Snake 🐍 Spirit 🧚‍♀️ shared term.

Trust that the universe, the Collective Soul, has your back!

The Energy of Your Being spiraling through your Energy Body, Your Chakras & Nadis. These Channels of Energy have different names depending on the cultural tradition they come from: Yoga, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Andean Pachamama Paqo/Q’ero traditions, etc.

Soul Growth Fuckery™ is the task we took on before we crossed back to this side of the veil to live in human form. We are Spirit 🧚‍♀️ having a human experience. We made decisions about the human experiences we needed to grow in Soul 🧚‍♀️. The experiences shape us into the person we grow to become: all of the personality quirks and nervous systems activation responses that make up who we are.

In astrology 🌙✨🪐☄️✨☀️ this is referred to as the Sacred Wound, represented by Chiron in the birth chart.

We are meant to work towards resolving them. This is the work, the learning, that evolves us. So we slowly realize shit 💩 we do just does not serve us in the arenas of Joy, Happiness, Compassion, Compatibility, Kindness, and LOVE with those around us, etc. Our realizations evolve into Awareness when we make the intention to do something about it and stop being activated into the same ‘ole-same ‘ole heavy energy ⚡️ 😡🤯🫣👉🏻😔patterns.

Over time, with patience and love towards ourself, our Awareness helps us to weave our way out of these heavy energy patterns and consciously create new patterns based upon Love, Gratitude, Compassion, Wisdom, Joy, Kindness, etc. (There IS a difference between being nice to people and being kind.)

We unweave our Soul Growth Fuckery™ and weave new ways of being that support us walking in our True ✨ Light of Sacred 🪶Heart ♥️Soul 🧚‍♀️Beings.

Yoga’s🧘🏽‍♀️architecture was created for vagal nerve toning so we can relax & heal B-M-S

  • Breath 🌬️

  • Chanting 🎶

  • Mantras

  • Mudras

  • Humming 🎵

  • The addition of postures 🧘🏻‍♀️ in the 1800s was bonus!

*S.G.F. & Soul Growth Fuckery: so my business mentor advised trademarking the words and abbreviation in case I wanted to use them somewhere in a book, product, service. I’m not certain how I feel about this as opposed to freely sharing wisdom from our wise elders. I’m grappling with this and may come back & edit.

Anyway, I hope this is useful for your growth & transformation.

Drop me a note with your thoughts on or not. I appreciate the conversation and different viewpoints.
